AQShda tinimsiz dovul va to'fonlar, 500 dan ortiq odam halok bo’lgan
Qo’shma Shtatlarni har yili taxminan 1300 to’fon uradi. Soatiga 300-400 kilometr tezlikda esuvchi shamol va yomg’irlar bir necha daqiqa ichida shaharlarni xarobaga aylantirish kuchiga ega. Meteorologlarning aytishicha, bu yilgi tabiiy ofatlar oxirgi 50 yilda eng halokatlisi. Birgina Missuri shtatida yuzlab odam nobud bo’ldi. Dovul bir necha milliard dollarlik ziyon keltirdi.

Homeowners survey damage after a tornado hits Pratt City just north of downtown Birmingham on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, in Birmingham, Ala. The widespread destruction caused Gov. Robert Bentley to declare a state of emergency by midday, saying tornadoe

Birmingham Rescue attends to a man who was injured after a tornado hits Pratt City just north of downtown Birmingham on Wednesday, April 27, 2011, in Birmingham, Ala. The widespread destruction caused Gov. Robert Bentley to declare a state of emergency b

Personal belongings remain uncollected in the Alberta City neighborhood Thursday April 28, 2011, after a tornado struck Tuscaloosa, Ala. the day before. Massive tornadoes tore a town-flattening streak across the South, killing at least 269 people in six s

People look for their belongings at an apartment complex in the Alberta City neighborhood Thursday April 28, 2011, after a tornado struck Tuscaloosa, Ala. the day before. Massive tornadoes tore a town-flattening streak across the South, killing at least 2