US-Central Asia: Special interview with Ambassador Richard Hoagland

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Having just visited Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, Ambassador Richard Hoagland, Principal Dep. Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia, talks to Navbahor Imamova, VOA Uzbek Service, about the US priorities and interests in the region. Discussing the concerns over Russia's actions in Ukraine, Ambassador Hoagland says: "Our position in the region, whether it is on the current issue of Ukraine or whatever has been for the last 20 years, is that we firmly support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the independent countries in Central Asia. Now, that's become a real issue with Ukraine because of the most current issue of Crimea right now. I am very much aware that there are citizens in Central Asia who are aware of what's going on despite the propaganda that is coming from the Russian mass media.  I am aware that the civil society is debating the current events in Ukraine.  I know that the governments are watching very closely.  Of course because of the very close relationship with Russia, they have to measure very carefully what they say. But I do know they are watching closely because these are issues of sovereignty and territorial integrity."