Suriyada aholi o'qlar yomg'iri ostida

Members of the Free Syrian Army train outside Idlib, Feb. 8, 2012. (AP)

A Syrian rebel retreats for medical treatment in Idlib, Syria, Feb. 8. (AP)

Syrian refugees at their tents at the Boynuyogun refugee camp on the Turkish-Syrian border. There are 1,750 Syrian refugees living at the camp. (Reuters)

Syrians living in Qatar hold prayers for the victims who were killed during the attacks in Homs. (Reuters)

This image from an amateur video purports to show smoke near a mosque in Homs. (AP, via APTN)

Residents rest in a shelter in Bab Amro, a Sunni district in Homs. (Reuters)

Syrian soldiers carry coffins of their colleagues during a funeral ceremony in Damascus, February 9. (Reuters)

Wounded men in the Sunni district of Bab Amro in Homs, February 8. (Reuters)

A girl has her face painted with the new revolution flag at a protest in Doha. (AP)

O’tgan yilning mart oyida boshlangan va shu kungacha davom etayotgan qo’zg’olonda shu paytgacha 6000 dan oshiq odam halok bo’ldi, ko’pi qurolli kuchlar o’qidan. BMT hisobicha, o’lganlar orasida bolalar yuzlab sonni tashkil etadi. Tashkilotning bildirishicha, hozir jasadlarni sanash uchun imkoniyat mavjud emas.