Vashingtonda moda haftasi

A fragment of the artwork 'Honour' from the series 'Five Elements of War', created by Ukrainian artists Daniel Green and Daria Marchenko, is on display at a studio in Kyiv. The artwork is made of bullet and shell cartridges from the frontline of a military conflict in eastern Ukraine, shoulder straps and other military items.

Modellar tomosha oldidan ko'rsatma olayapti. Bu qiz va yigitlar ham ishlaydi, ham o'qiydi.

Moda haftasini yoritayotgan jurnalist va fotograflar.

Karnegi kutubxonasida kechgan tomoshani yoritayotgan matbuot.

Model qiz. Bu kasb bilan kimdir professional ravishda shug'ullanadi, boshqalar o'qishdan bo'sh vaqtida modellik qilib charchoqni yozadi.

Kargegi kutubxonasida (Carnegie Library) BoDeni Nek Vear, Korjor Interneshnl, Fayrflay Dezayn Afrika, Irena Levkovich, Ayts Interneshnl, Leigel Desiree, Sera Vero Nik, Svelte Kutur kabi libossoz va firmalarning to'plamini ko'rish mumkin edi.

Model qiz.

A fragment of the artwork 'Honour' from the series 'Five Elements of War', created by Ukrainian artists Daniel Green and Daria Marchenko, is on display at a studio in Kyiv. The artwork is made of bullet and shell cartridges from the frontline of a military conflict in eastern Ukraine, shoulder straps and other military items.

Model qiz.

Ayts Interneshnl to'plami muallifi Sequoia.

Marosim oldidan tayyorgarlik.