Growing influence of China-In conversation with Evan Feigenbaum, Paulson Institute-Navbahor Imamova
Is the recent gas deal between China and Russia a major blow to the West, as Kremlin claims? How important is Central Asia to China? What are the challenges to America? Will or should Washington compete? VOA's Navbahor Imamova talks to Evan Feigenbaum, vice chairman of Paulson Institute at the University of Chicago, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Central Asia.
Siz uchun
Aprel 18, 2021
AQSh qo'shinlari va Afg’oniston taqdiri
Fevral 07, 2020
AQSh Qirg'iziston uchun nega vizalarni chekladi?
Fevral 02, 2020
Tojikistonda terrorizm gumoni bilan yuzlab odam ushlangan