Kara Abramson, independent scholar-Understanding and promoting human rights in Xijiang
Kara Abramson, independent scholar: "Independence is not a dirty word. The Scots can have this discussion. It's just harder for Uyghurs to do that. It's not a conversation that they can have, in part, because of China's spin on this and in part, I think, because the West has bought some of that spin. Uyghurs, Muslims, terrorist attacks... thus independence becomes a dirty word..."
Siz uchun
Aprel 18, 2021
AQSh qo'shinlari va Afg’oniston taqdiri
Fevral 07, 2020
AQSh Qirg'iziston uchun nega vizalarni chekladi?
Fevral 02, 2020
Tojikistonda terrorizm gumoni bilan yuzlab odam ushlangan