ILO-Uzbekistan: Special interview from Tashkent
As the cotton season starts in Uzbekistan, VOA's Navbahor Imamova interviews Jonas Astrup, International Labor Organization's chief technical advisor in Tashkent. How did the ILO find a common language with Tashkent? Why is Astrup so optimistic about reforms in Uzbekistan? In-depth conversation.
Siz uchun
Aprel 18, 2021
AQSh qo'shinlari va Afg’oniston taqdiri
Fevral 07, 2020
AQSh Qirg'iziston uchun nega vizalarni chekladi?
Fevral 02, 2020
Tojikistonda terrorizm gumoni bilan yuzlab odam ushlangan