Obamaning Osiyoga safari davom etmoqda. Yaponiyada bo'lib o'tgan rasmiy uchrashuvlardan so'ng AQSh davlat rahbari Janubiy Koreyaga tashrif buyurdi.
Obamaning Osiyo safari

U.S. President Barack Obama answers a reporter's question during a joint news conference with South Korean President Park Geun-hye at the Blue House in Seoul, South Korea, April 25, 2014.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (2nd R) pours sake for U.S. President Barack Obama (R) as they have dinner at the Sukiyabashi Jiro sushi restaurant in Tokyo, in this picture taken April 23, 2014.

President Barack Obama tours Gyeongbok Palace in Seoul, April 25, 2014.

U.S. President Barack Obama (2nd L) bows to "Asimo" the robot while visiting Miraikan or the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, in Tokyo, April 24, 2014. Obama assured ally Japan on Thursday that Washington was committed to its defence, i