What happens to the frozen assets related to Gulnara Karimova? Conversation with David Lewis, University of Exeter
What triggered the US investigation? Is Uzbekistan cooperating? Why are European probes so slow? What will happen to the frozen assets across Europe? Can the Uzbek government claim them? Navbahor Imamova, VOA Uzbek, asked these and more from David Lewis, leading expert from University of Exeter.
Siz uchun
Aprel 18, 2021
AQSh qo'shinlari va Afg’oniston taqdiri
Fevral 07, 2020
AQSh Qirg'iziston uchun nega vizalarni chekladi?
Fevral 02, 2020
Tojikistonda terrorizm gumoni bilan yuzlab odam ushlangan