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BMT-Markaziy Osiyo/Sebastien Peyrouse on Central Asia/UN

BMT-Markaziy Osiyo/Sebastien Peyrouse on Central Asia/UN
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🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇯🇹🇲🇺🇿 Markaziy Osiyodagi avtoritar rahbarlar BMTni suiiste'mol qilmasin, deydi ekspert Sebastien Peyruz. 🇺🇳 Authoritarian leaders in Central Asia should not be allowed to use the United Nations to whitewash policies and for disinformation, says Sebastien Peyrouse.

🇰🇿🇰🇬🇹🇯🇹🇲🇺🇿 Markaziy Osiyodagi avtoritar rahbarlar BMTni suiiste'mol qilmasin, deydi Sebastien Peyruz, Jorj Vashington universiteti professori. Agar tashkilotni haqiqatdan ham hurmat qilishsa, uning maqsadlarini ustuvor deb bilishsa, deydi ekspert, BMT mexanizmlari orqali xalq manfaatlari yo'lida sidqidildan harakat qilmog'i lozim. Hukumatlar o'z xalqaro majburiyatlarni bu tashkilot yordamida ado etishi mumkin. Tafsilotlar mana bu yerda.
🇺🇳 Authoritarian leaders in Central Asia should not be allowed to misuse the United Nations, specifically to whitewash policies and for disinformation, says Sebastien Peyrouse, professor at George Washington University. He said that if they really value the world body, they should use its mechanisms to advance human rights and to fulfill their international obligations.

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