Eron yadro dasturi yuzasidan kelishuvga erishish muddati yana cho'zildi

Egyptian Prime Minister Sherif Ismail talks to reporters at Cairo International Airport, May 19, 2016. He said it was too early to say whether a technical problem or a terror attack caused the plane to crash. "We cannot rule anything out," he said.

AQSh Davlat kotibi Jon Kerri (chapda) va Xitoy Tashqi ishlar vaziri Vang Yi Venada o'tgan muloqot doirasida ko'rishmoqda, 24-noyabr, 2014-yil.

Venada so'nggi kungacha muloqot davom etdi, 24-noyabr, 2014-yil.

Venada so'nggi kungacha muloqot davom etdi, 24-noyabr, 2014-yil.
Venada so'nggi kungacha muloqot davom etdi, 24-noyabr, 2014-yil.