Ukraina harbiy kuchlari Slavyansk shahrini namoyishchilardan qaytarib olish uchun keng miqyosli harbiy amaliyot boshladi. Rossiyaparast kuchlar Ukrainaning bir vertolyotini urib tushirishi natijasida ikki kishi halok bo'lgan.
Sharqiy Ukrainada vaziyat keskinlashmoqda

Ukrainian troops guard a checkpoint near the town of Slaviansk in eastern Ukraine May 2, 2014. Ukrainian forces attacked the rebel-held city of Slaviansk before dawn on Friday and pro-Russia separatists shot down at least one attack helicopter, killing a pilot.

A pro-Russian separatist guards a checkpoint as tyres burn in front of him, near the town of Slaviansk in eastern Ukraine May 2, 2014.

Ukrainian government troops guard a checkpoint just outside Slovyansk, eastern Ukraine, Friday, May 2, 2014.

Pro-Russian gunmen listen to instructions from their commander, center, behind barricades in Slovyansk, eastern Ukraine, Friday, May 2, 2014.