Sochi olimpiadasi mash'alasi Xalqaro fazo stansiyasiga olib ketildi. Uni "Soyuz" kosmik kemasiga birinchi bo'lib rus fazogiri Mixail Turin ko'tarib chiqdi.
Kema bortida, shuningdek, yaponiyalik fazo muhandisi Koichi Vakata hamda amerikalik astronavt Rik Mastrachio bor. Ular payshanba kuni ertalab Qozog'istondagi Baykonur aerodromidan samoga parvoz qildi.
Fazo markazida yashayotgan ikki rossiyalik fazogir mash'alani ko'tarib samoda sayr qilishi kutilmoqda. So'ng uni dushanba kuni yerga qayta olib tushishadi. Xavfsizlik nuqtai nazaridan mash'alaning o'ti fazoga o'chirilgan holatda olib chiqiladi.
Olimpiya mash'alasi fazoga olib chiqildi
- Amerika Ovozi

The Soyuz TMA-11M spacecraft, emblazoned with the Sochi 2014 logo and a blue-and-white snowflake pattern, is seen before blast-off at the Baikonur cosmodrome Nov. 7, 2013.

Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, center, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin, bottom and U.S. astronaut Rick Mastracchio, pose with an Olympic torch prior the launch of Soyuz-FG rocket at the Russian leased Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Nov. 7, 2013.

The Soyuz-FG rocket that carried the Olympic torch to space is seen prior to launch at the Russian leased Baikonur cosmodrome, Kazakhstan, Nov. 7, 2013.

International Space Station crew members, Japanese astronaut Koichi Wakata, Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Tyurin and U.S. astronaut Rick Mastracchio, pose with the torch of the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympic Games after a news conference behind a glass wall at the