O'zbekiston Bosh vaziri o'rinbosari, Xotin-qizlar qo'mitasi raisi Tanzila Norboyeva "Amerika Ovozi" bilan Vashingtonda suhbat qilar ekan, AQSh poytaxtidagi muzokaralarini sermahsul deya ta'rifladi. Respublikadagi jarayonlarga qiziqish yuqori, deydi u, xususan O'zbekistonda majburiy mehnatga qarshi qanday choralar ko'rilayotgani va ayollarni qiynayotgan muammolarga qarshi kurash qay pallada ekaniga. O'tgan ikki yıl ichida nima o'zgardi, nima o'zgarmadi?
Washington, Feb 6, 2019: Visiting Deputy Prime Minister Tanzila Narbayeva says the U.S. is deeply interested in the fight against forced labor in Uzbekistan. A delegation from Tashkent, including Minister of Labor Sherzod Kudbiyev held talks at the White House, Department of State, Department of Labor, World Bank, International Labor Organization, and with the Cotton Campaign, which is an international coalition against forced labor. Officials discussed Uzbekistan's reform process, specifically in the NGO sector as well as its new socio-economic policy. "We are facing tremendous challenges but there is no way back," says Narbayeva in an exclusive interview with VOA Uzbek’s Navbahor Imamova. "Improving conditions and creating opportunities for women have finally become national priorities. We have a lot of work to do. And we agree that the underlying picture in the country needs to change."
Washington, Feb 6, 2019: Visiting Deputy Prime Minister Tanzila Narbayeva says the U.S. is deeply interested in the fight against forced labor in Uzbekistan. A delegation from Tashkent, including Minister of Labor Sherzod Kudbiyev held talks at the White House, Department of State, Department of Labor, World Bank, International Labor Organization, and with the Cotton Campaign, which is an international coalition against forced labor. Officials discussed Uzbekistan's reform process, specifically in the NGO sector as well as its new socio-economic policy. "We are facing tremendous challenges but there is no way back," says Narbayeva in an exclusive interview with VOA Uzbek’s Navbahor Imamova. "Improving conditions and creating opportunities for women have finally become national priorities. We have a lot of work to do. And we agree that the underlying picture in the country needs to change."
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