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Paxta boykotidan keyingi O'zbekiston /Uzbekistan after the cotton boycott

Paxta boykotidan keyingi O'zbekiston /Uzbekistan after the cotton boycott
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Yaqinda "Paxta kampaniyasi" koalitsiyasi O'zbekiston paxtasiga 10 yil oldin qo'yilgan boykotni bekor qildi. Xalqaro mehnat tashkiloti vakili Yonas Astrup bilan muloqot. In March the Cotton Campaign ended its decade-long boycott on the Uzbek cotton. VOA talks with ILO's Jonas Astrup in Tashkent.

- Mart oyida "Paxta kampaniyasi", 300 dan ortiq biznes va tashkilotlardan iborat xalqaro koalitsiya, O'zbekiston paxtasiga 10 yil oldin qo'yilgan boykotni bekor qildi. Koalitsiya nazarida mamlakatda majburiy mehnat va bolalar mehnati endi sistematik emas. Vaziyatni kuzatib kelayotgan Xalqaro mehnat tashkiloti vakili Yonas Astrup bilan respublika endilikda yuzlashayotgan masalalar haqida gaplashdik.

- In March the Cotton Campaign ended its decade-long boycott on the Uzbek cotton. The U.S.-based international coalition, consisting of more than 330 businesses and organizations, concluded that forced labor and child labor are no longer systemic in Uzbekistan. VOA's Navbahor Imamova talks with International Labor Organization's Jonas Astrup in Tashkent about the country's challenges ahead and what it will take for the Mirziyoyev administration to sustain the progress. #ILO #Uzbekistan #CottonCampaign